Monday, February 19, 2007

Lunar New Year in Japan

The Lunar New Year in Japan

Oshogatsu is the Japanese New Year. Japan has adopted the solar calendar since 1873 and the New Year celebration starts on January 1. However, in rural Japan, villagers continue to follow the lunar calendar and Oshogatsu is the Lunar New Year.

The New Year celebration lasts for five to six days. Everything associated with the New Year is symbolic of "firsts" of the new year. Thus, the New Year gives a sense of renewal. On New Year's Eve, shortly before midnight, Buddhist temples ring bells 108 times to remember Japan's hardships. The ritual is a way to send out the old year and usher in the new.

Oshogatsu is a time for peace and resolution. Japanese people don't go to work on New Year's Day. They rest and celebrate the holiday with the family. They go to temples to pray for a prosperous and healthy new year. The first visit to the temple is called "Hatsu Mohde," which means the first visit.

On New Year's Day, the family starts the New Year with a "mochi" or rice cake breakfast. The rice cake is served in a stew called "Ozoni." Rice pounding to make mochi rice cakes is a popular new year activity. However, many modern Japanese families buy them from supermarkets now.

Like other Asian New Year traditions, adults give money to children on New Year' Day. It is called "otoshi-dama" or the "new year treasure." Children also play various games to usher in the New Year. A popular game is "Furuwarai" which is the American version of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey.

There are many "good luck" charms associated with the New Year. Cranes and turtles are symbols of longevity and happiness. Houses are decorated with origami cranes to bring peace and happiness to the New Year.

Lunar New Year celebrations in Japan are as outdated as, well, the lunar calendar in Japan. The Land of the Rising Sun adopted the solar calendar system in the late 19th century, abandoning the lunar system that it had used for centuries.

So, for Japan, New Years Day, or gantan, comes on the same day it comes for most countries outside of Asia – January 1. But the country's festivities are no less colorful and full of tradition as their eastern neighbors.

Buddhist temples ring their bells shortly before midnight on New Year's Eve. People count along with the 108 rings, which represents the hardships and sorrows of the past year. When the tolling is silenced, the New Year has begun.

And on that auspicious day, how you execute "firsts" is crucial, including the first visit to the Shinto shrines or Buddhist temples. Also, on the must-do list is a trip to the ocean to witness the hatsu hinode or "first sunrise," which is said to bring good health throughout the entire New Year.

The entire celebration starts during the last few days of December and through the first few days of January and lasts for five to six days. Most stores and offices close during this period, so stocking up is key.

Properly welcoming the New Year is extremely important to the Japanese. So much so that most people take a few days off before the holiday to make preparations, including meticulously cleaning the house. Dust mites don't have a chance this time of year.

However, as Japan continues to change, so do its customs. For example, the huge, traditional Osechi feast for the entire family that mothers spend days to prepare can now be found ready-to-serve in supermarkets. But one tradition hasn't shown any signs of fading: giving children otoshi-dama, a cash allowance that's called the "New Year treasure." Some customs are just too important to let fade.

Special Thanks to for this wonderful article.

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